Hive Studio is a community focused interactive media studio based in Creggan in the heart of Derry. Hive emerged from an earlier project developed by Creggan Enterprises and Guildhall Press under the original name of ‘the Digital Art Studio’ and funded initially through the DSD Capital Fund in 2012.
In April 2016 Creggan Enterprises received funding from the Housing Executive to establish the Hive as a new stand-alone Social Enterprise. This Community Interest Company will provide a range of commercial and subsidised design, publishing, film, video, creative development and digital services to the community and local businesses in the North west. The Hive provides access to a wide variety of creative equipment, facilities and training for those who wish to bring their ideas to life. It is an OCN Training Centre and provides accredited training for a range of internal (CE) and external projects / businesses.
Hive Studios is also home to CE’s Lifehack project (which is housed there).
Follow Hive Studio on Facebook and Twitter or check out the website
For any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Hive.